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Term Vs Whole Life Insurance: Which is Better in Canada?

When it comes to buying life insurance, you have multiple choices but mainly it is term vs whole life insurance in Canada. Life insurance is an invaluable tool for protecting your loved ones and securing your financial future. But choosing the right type of insurance often gets overwhelming. And if you are unfamiliar or unclear with the two types, you might end up making the wrong decision about life insurance in Canada.

To help you make the right decision, we have listed everything you need to know about Term and Whole life insurance. Let's explore the key differences between these two popular options to help you decide based on your unique needs and circumstances.

What is Term Life Insurance in Canada?

Term Life Insurance in Canada

Out of many types of life insurance, term life insurance is affordable and lasts for a specific time, known as the term. The term for which protection is provided is usually between 10-30 years. You have to pay the premiums until the expiry of the term of your insurance company. 

Pros and Cons of Term Life Insurance

Benefits Of Term life Insurance in Canada


  • Lower Premiums: Since term life insurance offers coverage for a predetermined period, insurance companies are less prone to any risks. As a result, this kind of insurance has lower premiums, making it very affordable for monthly and annual payments. 
  • Flexibility: Another key benefit that comes with life insurance is flexibility. Its policies are tailored to meet your specific needs. You get complete freedom to choose the term length and coverage amount that aligns with your financial goals. If you are seeking temporary coverage, then it is thoughtful to get Term life insurance in Canada. During the time period of the mortgage payment or when your children are dependent, this life insurance is a smart choice.
  • It covers your funeral expenses.
  • When your insurance ends, the coverage may get renewed automatically in most cases or you may get it converted into permanent life insurance. 


  • No Cash Value: Term life insurance policies do not accumulate cash value over time. This means if being the policyholder, you outlive the term, you cannot receive any returns on your premiums. 
  • Fixed Duration: As the name suggests, the life insurance offers coverage for a predetermined term. If the policyholder passes away within the term, the death benefit is paid out to the designated beneficiaries. However, there is no payout if the policy expires and the insured individual is still alive.
  • With your needs changing over time, this type of insurance may not fit in for you and your situation. 
  • Whenever you renew your insurance, you may experience an increase in your premiums. 

What is a Whole life insurance Policy?

Whole Life Insurance In Canada

Also referred to as permanent life insurance in Canada, Whole life insurance is an expensive choice compared to Term Life Insurance. It offers lifetime coverage and comes with several distinctive features. 

Pros and Cons of Whole Life Insurance 

Pros and Cons of Whole Life Insurance In Canada

Benefits of Whole Life Insurance:

  • Lifetime Coverage: With whole life insurance, you get coverage as long as you are paying the premiums. The policy remains in force for the entire duration of the insured's life. All the beneficiaries are guaranteed a death benefit upon the insured's passing.
  • Cash Value Accumulation: Whole life insurance comes as a saviour during your financial needs. This is because it allows you to accumulate cash value over time. The portion of your premiums goes into an investment component and grows on a tax-deferred basis over time. And whenever you are in financial need, you can access this cash value through loans or withdrawals.
  • Premiums and Payouts: Though Whole life insurance involves higher premiums, a good thing about it is that a portion of your premium goes towards the cash value component, making it a form of forced savings. Also, all the cash value and coverage are handed over to the beneficiaries on the policyholder's death. 
  • Wealth Transfer and Estate Planning: Another critical benefit of Whole life insurance is that it is a very effective tool for wealth transfer and estate planning. Not only it guarantees the financial well-being of your loved ones but also provides coverage for your estate taxes. 

Cons of Whole Life Insurance:

  • Whole life insurance is not suitable for short-term expenses and cannot be used for mortgage debt or funeral expenses. 
  • The higher premium rates of Whole life insurance don't make it a pocket-friendly choice, and over the years, it can become difficult to maintain the policy. 
  • With Whole life insurance, you have little control over your investment plan. It is the insurance company that creates the investment plan for the cash value of your policy. 

Term Vs Whole Life Insurance in Canada: What is the Difference?

Features Term Life Insurance Whole Life Insurance
Coverage Length Coverage for a short time period Coverage for your entire life
Premiums Affordable premium rates Fixed and expensive premiums for life
Cash Value No cash value Cash value grows at a fixed rate
Withdrawals Not eligible for policy loans and withdrawals Policy loans and withdrawals available
Death Benefit Can only access before the expiry of the policy term Guaranteed death benefit

Which is Better : Whole Life or Term Life Insurance in Canada?

To make the right decision when deciding between term life insurance and whole life insurance, it is highly imperative to consider your future financial goals and long-term needs.  Also, you must have complete understanding of how life insurance works in Canada. Thus, it is highly imperative that you consult the right insurance experts.

Other than that here's a quick overview of factors you must consider to pick the best life insurance in Canada:

  • Budget and Affordability: If you are looking for affordable life insurance for a short term, go for Term life insurance. However, if you want coverage for a lifetime, go for Whole life insurance.
  • Long-Term Planning: If you are someone seeking lifelong coverage and a tool that can assure a financially secure future, Whole life insurance would be a smart choice. As you get the privilege of cash value accumulation and potential borrowing options, whole life insurance may be more suitable. 
  • Financial Objectives: Choosing the right life insurance also depends on your financial goals, such as income replacement, debt payoff, education funding, or estate planning. Understanding your objectives will help you determine the appropriate coverage amount and duration.
  • Consultation and Expert Advice: Consider seeking guidance from a reputable insurance professional who can analyze your specific needs and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

Final Words 

Deciding between term life insurance vs whole life insurance can get overwhelming if you are unclear about both kinds of insurance. You must understand the differences and assess your financial goals and needs before making the right decision. However, it is highly imperative you take assistance from the right experts when choosing life insurance in Canada.

Life Simple cares for you and your loved ones. We carefully evaluate your circumstances, consider your long-term objectives, and help you make an informed decision by choosing the best life insurance plans in Canada that best aligns with your financial security goals. Apply now to have an insurance that aligns with your financial and lifestyle needs.

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